Initiatives |
Vocational Education |
The special children are gifted in many ways, it is the responsibility of any organisation working for their cause to identify their strengths and channelize them in the right directions. It is by providing them with the necessary skills and training that livelihood opportunities can be created and thereby bring about a significant difference in their lives. Therefore strong emphasis is being laid to impart vocational education and enhance livelihood skills through job oriented courses. It will be a constant endeavour to ensure placements and self-employment avenues through advocacy and networking with government departments, corporate, NGOs and philanthropists.
Computer Education
Teaching computer basics to the special kids opens a window to a world of opportunities. Introduction to MS Word, Excel, Paint etc has become a part of their curriculum with classes being conducted thrice a week. The boys and girls from the hearing impaired section are showing keen interest and are very much engrossed with the hands on training.
Our sincere thanks to Knoah Solutions, Hyderabad for donating four desk top systems for the school.
Beautician Skills
Beautician course is a much sought after course as there is great scope for earning a livelihood. Therefore introductory sessions on beautician skills are being imparted to the girl students. It is envisaged that as the kids grow up they could choose a vocation of their choice and lead a life at par with other individuals. |
Tailoring has conventionally been a popular job oriented course. The girls show great enthusiasm during the classes. Not to mention, it requires minimum capital to start a business of their own as the tailoring job works are ideal for ‘work from home’.. |
Phenyl and Candle Making
Phenyl and candle making is also being encouraged amongst the students and the activity receives great response especially from the children with mental disabilities. These children show a lot of interest in such group activities and adapt well to put their limited skills to satisfactory results. |
Special Summer Camp for Special Kids
A two week long summer camp was organized for the special kids at the Pavani School campus. The summer camp was designed as a curtain raiser for the proposed vocational courses that were planned to be introduced for the new academic year. Special classes were held for the students in Computer Basics, Beautician Skills and Tailoring.
Students participated with great enthusiasm and took keen interest in learning the basics of each course. The girls took special interest towards gaining exposure in beautician skills and tailoring. Whereas the boys had an engrossing two weeks with hands on training on computer basics. |
Money Management – Consumer Store
In order to aquaint and familiarize the special kids with money management in their every day lives the school has set up a consumer store. Children are encouraged to purchase stationery and snacks to understand the process of money exchange. The consumer store is managed by the special students themselves |
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